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TBI / Concussion
Using Irlen Method with Injured Military Personnel
Since March 2011, Irlen has been partnering with the Semper Fi Fund to provide Irlen Spectral Filters to military personnel experiencing chronic headaches and migraines resulting from combat related concussion or head trauma. As of 2013, Irlen had provided more than 200 Military men and women with Irlen Spectral Filters.
- It is estimated that around 80% of service members with TBI or post-concussive syndrome experience chronic headaches and migraines that fail to respond to medication and other standard interventions
- Irlen Spectral Filters provide immediate and continued relief for this group
- Skill levels in a variety of areas are also affected and can return to pre-head injury levels
- Treated military personnel gained improvement of ability to function in 26 different areas
In 2011, 189 service members experiencing chronic headaches and migraines due to concussions and/or a brain injury were assessed and treated with Irlen Spectral Filters.
After wearing the filters for a period of time, the service members reported:
- Nearly 100% reduction in headaches and migraines
- 78% reduction in weekly/monthly migraine medication use
- 99% reduction in weekly/monthly OTC medication use
- Photosensitivity eliminated
- Dramatic reduction in fatigue, eye strain, dizziness and nausea
- Reduced anxiety, irritability, agitation, anger and depression
- Improvement in reading, math computation, paper-pencil tasks, computer use and job performance
- Better coordination, balance, depth perception, general perception, tracking moving objects and marksmanship
- Improved sleep; better driving, particularly at night; more enjoyment of TV, movies and video games